Pledged by

Aldo de Jong, Co-founder & CEO

Start Date

15th July 2024

Pledge Type

Engaged Innovator: Paddio will contribute to the ideation and validation of at least one novel real estate solution or pilot project.

Areas of Focus

Affordability and Supply: Meeting Canada’s housing supply challenge and addressing high costs and low productivity leading to a lack of affordability, recognizing that homes will only get built if the project economics works.

Climate Resiliency and Low Carbon: Ensuring Canadian real estate can withstand extreme weather events and reducing the carbon footprint of Canadian real estate to meet Canada’s 2030 climate goals.

Pledge Details

As part of our commitment to a future of sustainable homeownership, Paddio pledges to enable homeowners in reducing their annual costs and environmental footprint by facilitating and financing home efficiency retrofits.  Recognizing the urgency of the climate crisis, we aim to support Canada’s climate goals necessitating 400,000 retrofits per year until 2050.

2024 Pledges