LEADERSHIP & INSTITUTIONS​ AFFORDABILITY & SUPPLY climate resiliency & low carbon optimization capital, labour & supporting infrastructure

Leadership & Institutions

The 2024 Innovation Agenda for Canadian Real Estate

We need Canadian organizations & individuals to commit to taking leadership on Canadian Housing and Real Estate Issues

The Canadian real estate sector faces significant challenges:

Solving these collective crises has become top-of-mind for nearly all Canadians,
and is the real estate sector’s moonshot.

The catch? Canada will not be able to solve these crises simply by doing more of the same. The status quo is no longer an option – we must find new and better ways of doing things if we are going to improve Canadian housing and real estate and address the massive challenges that lay ahead.

Providing actionable steps that stakeholders can take to engage and share the outcomes of innovations.

Through this process, we will create a collaborative space for innovation and continuous learning.

2024 Industry Innovation Agenda Areas of Focus

Leadership and institutions

Canadian institutions, including government, not-for-profits, or the private sector lack a culture of risk-taking and willingness to take leadership on driving innovation in Canada.

Affordability and supply

Meeting Canada's housing supply challenge and addressing high costs and low productivity leading to a lack of affordability.

Climate Resiliency and Low Carbon

Ensuring Canadian real estate can withstand extreme weather events and reducing the carbon footprint of Canadian real estate to meet Canada's 2030 climate goals.


Canada’s existing building stock is not used optimally, due to factors such as a lack of transition options and a lack of flexibility to convert one form of building use to another.

Capital, Labour and Supporting Infrastructure

Ensuring firms have the essential building blocks for success. Funding for Innovation including Tax Incentives.

Make a pledge today

Together, we can shape the future landscape of Canadian real estate through innovation and collaboration. Join us! 

Improving innovation across the sector will require a collaborative effort from key players, and process changes in the following areas

Given the highly fragmented nature of the real estate industry and its negative impact on industry innovation performance, there is a need to increase collaboration and information sharing.

Improving the real estate sector’s innovation performance will require all stakeholders to change their actions and behaviors significantly.

Through procurement, governments can stimulate demand and shape market conditions favourable to innovation.

Governments need to have an innovation strategy and use tools such as innovation investment tax incentives, direct procurement, and more to create economies of scale and learning by doing.

Innovation requires highly skilled personnel with the skills and abilities to identify challenges and generate and apply new knowledge and ideas.

New technologies, innovations, and business models will need funding, research support, early customers, and a receptive market to scale their ideas.

Government funding and support for research and demonstration projects is a vital input for innovation.

Governments need to have an innovation strategy and use tools such as innovation investment tax incentives, direct procurement, and more to create economies of scale and learning by doing.

Regulations can impede innovation in the real estate sector, they can also create better innovation if designed correctly.

Developers and builders must be willing and have the skills and capacity to adopt new technologies and methods from across sectors; funders and insurers must be willing to accept these projects.

2024 Pledges

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